Little Things

Posted by on Aug 10, 2010 in Little Things | One Comment

Whenever I need to remind myself that the little things are truly the most important, I go back to an early dinner at Taco Bell in 1993.  Ahead of my poor college friend and I in line was a little girl with her father.  She was begging, like no one has ever begged before, for a Sprite.  I thought to myself, “Man, what’s the big deal?  It’s Sprite.  It doesn’t even have caffeine in it.”  But, the father let the girl beg a bit longer.  And finally, when he gave in, she literally bounced around him saying “THANK YOU DADDY DADDY THANK YOU!!!”

And so now I remind myself that the littlest things can make us the happiest.  Like an actual operator on the other end of the phone line when we need customer service, a handwritten note of thanks or just because, a really good BBQ sandwich [with slaw on the bun], and a fantastic cup of coffee with an old friend and lots of belly laughs.  Then there are things like when a door actually latches easily, the water doesn’t drip from the faucet, clean sheets on the bed, and when the sun shines in the window like it was planned that way.  It really is simple.  And when it works, it feels just right.  Maybe it’s the little things that are the ‘feng shui’ of life.

1 Comment

  1. Jim Rohrer
    December 9, 2010

    I am taking a moment to reflect upon my life and my blessings during this peaceful time of year. This morning is brisk with a light wind blowing but I have warm fire glowing, festive holiday music playing and the always entertaining jack russell at my feet. With coffee in hand I take in the view from my den. A squirrel diligently gnaws away on a piece of wild corn while the bright morning sun is shining through the trees as they slow dance in the breeze.
    My life journey has taken me many places whether they be physical, mental or spiritual. Through this journey I have worried about so many things that at the time seemed so relevant and life changing but in realty were so trivial. One of the lessons that took a while for me to learn is that we were placed on this earth to be happy. We all know the cliché, to be happy we must first love ourselves before we can fully love others. That took some time for me….and from time to time I still lose sight of that. Your thoughts touched home.


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